Saturday, December 6, 2014

30 NOV 14: Pg 18-3 steps 3-4, pg 18-4 steps 7-8 left, pg 18-2 steps 5-6, pg 18-3 steps 1-2 right: 5 hours
Fit and drilled the fuel cap flange to the T-1001-L tank skin.  Chose to use the deluxe fuel caps – VERY glad with this decision; they are much nicer than the standard Van’s caps:
Marked the inside of the tank skin prior to disassembly so I know where to scuff the alclad to prep for the proseal:
Machine countersunk the top of the fuel cap flange:
On to the right tank.  Final-drilled the stiffeners.  Clecoed and final-drilled the T-1003-L, T-1003C-R, and T-1004-L tank ribs to the tank skin.  Fit and match-drilled the T-1009 tank J-stiffener to the T-1001-L tank skin:
01 DEC 14: Page 18-3 step 4, page 18-4 steps 1-8 right tank: 5.35 hours
Fit and drilled the fuel cap flange to the T-1001-L tank skin.  Assembled, match-drilled, and disassembled right tank assembly.  Z attach brackets:
03, 04, 06 DEC 14: Page 18-4 step 8: 6.6 hours
Deburred all tank parts.  Tank attach bracket:
A lot of deburring!
06 DEC 14: Page 18-5 steps 2-4, deburred and scuffed tank skin: 4.75 hours
Final drilled the holes in the T-1005B and T-1005C shims:
Deburred the tank skins:
Scuffed the tank skins in preparation for proseal.  Left skin:
Right skin: