Wednesday, December 31, 2014

28 DEC 14: Page 18-6 steps 1-5: 7 hours
Installed snap bushings into the tank ribs, fabricated the fuel vent lines – flared the inboard end of the tube:
Installed the AN832-4D bulkhead union and AN924-4D nut on the T-1003B R/L tank end ribs.  Riveted the T-1003B-R/L tank inboard rib aft assemblies to the T-1001-L/R fuel tank skins and T-1005-L/R tank attach brackets:
29 DEC 14: Proseal, page 22-2 steps 4-5, pg 22-3 steps 1-5: 6.5 hours
Continued prosealing tanks – tired of proseal!  Inside of inboard rib:
Finished drilling all of the flap rib subassemblies.
30 DEC 14: Page 22-4 steps 1-2: 1.5 hours
Trimmed the tabs off of all FL-1005-:/R main ribs.  Clecoed together the left flap structure:
31 DEC 14: Page 22-5 steps 1-2: 1.5 hours
Clecoed the FL-1002/FL-1001C skins and FL-1001A-L/FL-1001B-L nose skins in place.  Clecoed the FL-1009A/B trailing edges to the top and bottom skins.  Final drilled #40 all skin to skeleton holes.  Match-drilled all FL-1007-R hinge bracket flanges using the holes in the FL-1007-L flanges as a guide:
Disassembled the flap.  A lot of work all goes back to this…

Saturday, December 27, 2014

22 DEC 14: A-sealant, page 20-4 step 3: 4 hours
Finished sealing rivet heads with A-sealant, final-drilled the holes common to the gap fairings and wing skins/rear spars:
23 DEC 14: Page 20-4 steps 3-4, pg 22-2 step 3: 5.3 hours
Finished drilling and deburring gap fairing, and dimpled wing skins:
Machine countersunk the six inboard holes in the rear spar assembly that attach the flap gap fairing:
Laid out the joggled portion of the FL-1007-L hinge brackets:
24 DEC 14: Page 22-2 step 3: 1 hour
Drilled the joggled portion of the FL-1007-R hinge brackets – no pics.
27 DEC 14: Page 18-5 steps 6 & 12: 6 hours
Finished countersinking, sealed, and riveted the plates to seal off the holes in the webs of the outboard and inboard tank ribs.  Riveted the T-1005-L/R tank attach bracket sub assemblies to the T-1001-L/R tank skins:

Sunday, December 21, 2014

15 DEC 14: Page 21-04 steps 1-3 left and right: 1.5 hours
Clecoed the A-1004-1R nose ribs and the A-1015-1L inboard nose rib to the A-1003-1L spar.  Clecoed the A-1001A-1L nose skin to the lower flange of the A-1003-1L spar.  Layed the A-1009 counterbalance into the nose skin flush with the outboard edge of the skin.  Clecoed the nose skin to the nose ribs and spar:
16 DEC 14: Page 21-04 step 4 left, pg 21-05 steps 1-2, overcoated tank rivets w/ A sealant: 6.8 hours
Match-drilled the most outboard hole and most inboard hole of the nose skin into the counterbalance:
Final drilled #27 the holes in the counterbalance and nose ribs:
Spent the rest of the session overcoating the tank rivets with A-sealant, which is not as thick as the B-sealant.  It is easy to brush over the shop heads:
17 DEC 14: Page 21-04 step 4, pg 21-05 steps 1-3 right, more A-sealant: 5 hours
Match-drilled the most outboard hole and most inboard hole of the nose skin into the counterbalance. Final drilled #27 the holes in the counterbalance and nose ribs.  Attached the counterbalance to the nose ribs with the hardware called out:
Match-drilled the counterbalance along its length using the holes in the leading edge skin as drill guides:
Finished coating the tank shop heads with A-sealant.
18 DEC 14: Page 21-05 steps 3-5 left: 4 hours
Finished match-drilling the left aileron leading edge skin. Final drilled all the holes in the A-710 stiffeners:
Marked and cut all the stiffeners:
19 DEC 14: Page OP38-2 steps 1-2, pg OP38-3 step 1, pg OP38-4 steps 1-3, pg 21-05 step 5: 4 hours
Separated the aileron trim mounting brackets.  Final-drilled the seven 1/8” holes in each trim mounting bracket.  Final-drilled the sixteen 1/8” holes in the aileron trim links.   Separated the trim links.  Aligned the aileron trim actuation assembly with the wing access plate. Match-drilled the four 5/32” holes in the aileron trim actuation assembly into the wing access plate:
Continued to debur all the aileron parts.  Starting to build a collection for priming:
20 DEC 14: Page 21-05 step 5, pg 22-2 step 1-2: 4.75 hours
Finished cutting and deburring stiffeners.  Finished deburring the spar lightening holes:
Finished deburring the 4 aileron skins:
Constructed the flap cradles:
21 DEC 14: Page 20-4 steps 2-3, pg 18-5 step 7, filet sealed tank end ribs: 8 hours
Marked and cut the W-1021B flap gap stiffeners.  Clecoed the stiffeners to the flap gap fairings.  Clecoed the flap gap and aileron gap fairings to the rear spar and top wing skins.  Attached the fuel flange, anti-rotation plate and nutplates to the tank inboard ribs:
Filet sealed the end ribs of each tank.  Outside:

Sunday, December 14, 2014

14 DEC 14: Page 18-5 steps 8-11: 11 hours
Finished riveting the stiffeners to the T-1001-R tank skins.  Riveted the fuel cap flanges and T-1008 vent clips to the T-1001-L/R tank skins:
Riveted the ribs and j-channels to both skins.  My friend and fellow RV builder, Mike came over again today and helped me cruise through both tanks – got all the ribs, stiffeners, and j-channels done.   It was nice to have his experience and help – he’s an A&P w/ Gulfstream and also building an RV-14.  With his help and guidance, the dreaded proseal/tank mess really wasn't all that bad.  Still have some proseal work remaining, but most of the difficult parts are done – in one day!
Top side:
The good news is that with both leading edges and tanks done, I can now say that I have two wings with pristine leading edges – not a blemish on either one! 

Saturday, December 13, 2014

08 DEC 14: Priming tank parts: 4 hours
Primed the exterior tank skins and a few of the tank parts.  All of the interior tank parts that will be exposed to fuel will remain unprimed.  The shop is getting pretty crowded!   I’ll be glad to get the tailcone and wings into the hangar:
Some of the tank parts:
09 DEC 14: Finished priming, page 18-4 step 1, page 18-5 steps 4-5, page 21-02 steps 1-2: 5 hours
Riveted the nutplates to the attach Z brackets:
Riveted the K1100-08 nutplates to the shims:
Attached the VA-146 bearings to the tank attach brackets:
Attached the K1000-08 and MS21051-L08 nutplates and T-1005B and C shims to the tank attach brackets:
I’m done with the tanks until I break out the proseal, so it’s time to move on to the ailerons.  Separated the A-1006-1 outboard hinge brackets and A-1007-1 inboard hinge brackets.  Fluted and straightened the flanges of the A-1004-1L and A-1004-1R nose ribs and A-1015-1L and A-1015-1R inboard nose ribs.
10 DEC 14: Page 21-03 steps 3-5: 2.7 hours
Machine countersunk the holes in the A-1006-1B outboard hinge brackets and A-1007-1B inboard hinge brackets.   Machine countersunk the A-1008-1 doubler – no pics.
11 DEC 14: Dimpled tank skin, page 18-4 step 8 left skin: 2.5 hours
Dimpled the left tank skin – no pics
12 DEC 14: Dimpled tank skin, page 18-4 step 8 right skin, page 18-5 step 8: 2.5 hours
Finished dimpling the tank skins.  The right skin:
Riveted two of the T-1011 stiffeners to the T-1001-L tank skin.  The proseal wasn’t too bad once I got my system down.
13 DEC 14: Page 18-5 step 8: 5 hours
Finished riveting the T-1011 stiffeners and VA-112 drain flange to the T-1001-L tank skin:

Sunday, December 7, 2014

07 DEC 14: Page 18-4 step 8, scuffed ribs, Prekoted tank skin: 7.5 hours
Scuffing stiffener flanges in preparation for proseal – the 3M roloc discs make it fairly easy:
Both tank skins exterior Prekoted in preparation for priming:
Exterior tank parts Prekoted in preparation for priming:
Dimpling stiffeners:

Saturday, December 6, 2014

30 NOV 14: Pg 18-3 steps 3-4, pg 18-4 steps 7-8 left, pg 18-2 steps 5-6, pg 18-3 steps 1-2 right: 5 hours
Fit and drilled the fuel cap flange to the T-1001-L tank skin.  Chose to use the deluxe fuel caps – VERY glad with this decision; they are much nicer than the standard Van’s caps:
Marked the inside of the tank skin prior to disassembly so I know where to scuff the alclad to prep for the proseal:
Machine countersunk the top of the fuel cap flange:
On to the right tank.  Final-drilled the stiffeners.  Clecoed and final-drilled the T-1003-L, T-1003C-R, and T-1004-L tank ribs to the tank skin.  Fit and match-drilled the T-1009 tank J-stiffener to the T-1001-L tank skin:
01 DEC 14: Page 18-3 step 4, page 18-4 steps 1-8 right tank: 5.35 hours
Fit and drilled the fuel cap flange to the T-1001-L tank skin.  Assembled, match-drilled, and disassembled right tank assembly.  Z attach brackets:
03, 04, 06 DEC 14: Page 18-4 step 8: 6.6 hours
Deburred all tank parts.  Tank attach bracket:
A lot of deburring!
06 DEC 14: Page 18-5 steps 2-4, deburred and scuffed tank skin: 4.75 hours
Final drilled the holes in the T-1005B and T-1005C shims:
Deburred the tank skins:
Scuffed the tank skins in preparation for proseal.  Left skin:
Right skin: