Last update for 2015!! Hard to believe I've been at this almost 2 years (February). I was hoping to be a little further ahead, but I've been fairly busy the last several months with my military retirement. I will also be quite busy for the foreseeable future. Next week I begin several weeks of training in Florida and on 1 February I begin training for my new job as a regional airline first officer. Not sure when I'll get back on the RV-10...
23 DEC 15: Page 31-9 steps 3: 3 hours
23 DEC 15: Page 31-9 steps 3: 3 hours
Continued riveting fuse top skin – no pics.
28 DEC 15: Page 40-2 step 1, 40-3 1-3, 40-4 5, 40-5 1-4: 5.25
Drilled the new flap horn that I received from
Van’s. Remembered to measure the width
this time! Installed left and right flap
torque tubes.
29 DEC 15: Misc.: 2 hours
Did a few odds and ends and drilled out a few rivets
on the side of the fuse top skin.
Because of the sharp bend in the skin, I put a little ‘outtie’ in the
skin. Drilled out a few of the rivets to
fix the outtie and will wait for assistance to re-rivet it – I can then be very
careful with the gun to ensure I don’t make another outtie in the skin.
30 DEC 15: Prime, Page 39-6 step 2, page 40-6 step 4: 4.5 hours
Primed the last remaining pieces. Happy to say the entire airframe is
primed! There will be the occasional
odds and ends, touch up, etc, but I’m pretty much done with the Akzo!!!
Drilled a safety wire hole in the flap motor and
riveted the elevator idler arm:
31 DEC 15: Page 38-10 steps 9-10, 39-5 1-4, 39-6 3, 39-8 3, 39-9
1-2, 31-10 1-4: 8.25 hours
Installed the rudder cable links to the rudder
pedals, assembled the aileron pushrod assemblies:
Installed the F-1089/1090 elevator push rod
assemblies. Bolted together the F-1063
elevator idler arm bracket and F-1089/1090 elevator push rod assemblies. Installed the F-1064/1065 aileron pushrod
assemblies and the control sticks. I can
almost sit in it and pretend that it’s an airplane!
Finished riveting the forward fuse top skin and
temporarily installed it to get it out of the way while I’m gone: