Monday, August 21, 2017

9,10,13 AUG 17: Flox door sills/gutters: 4.45 hours
Continued to flox the door gutter for the McMaster-Carr door seals.  This method worked much better than I expected.  Just fill up the seal with flox/epoxy and press onto the gutter.  Seal on the gutter curing:
Once cured, the edges were very nice and made a lip exactly the size needed to mount the McMaster-Carr seal:
The new lip creates a nice even fit for the seal:

16 AUG 17: Flox door sills/gutters, Pg. 44-2 step 2, Pg. 44-8 step 2: 4.75 hours
Finished floxing the door seals/gutters.  While the epoxy cured, I found some busy work that needed to be done.  First, I fluted the vertical flanges of the F-1009E/F/G/H wing root fairing supports:
Next, I riveted the F-1099D wing root fairing stiffeners to the F-1099A upper wing root fairings.  It’s been a LONG time since I used the C-frame!
One fairing complete:

17 AUG 17: Pg. 44-8 step 2, removed cabin top: 4.75 hours
Finished riveting the stiffeners onto the wing root fairing.  I then disassembled the plane – removed the engine mount and the cabin top.  1 step forward, 2 steps back ha, ha:

18, 21 AUG 17: Micro/sand cabin top: 5.75 hours
Began to fill the cabin pillars with micro.  This is quite a bit of work, but I really wanted to close out the pillars to have a more finished look of the cabin top.  Eventually I will flox the overhead console to the top and blend it into the top/pillars.  The rough flox waiting to hours of sanding:
Again, this will be quite a bit of work, but it already looks much nicer that stock.  I will sand the micro even with the door seal for a nice, finished look:

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