23 NOV 14: Page
17-4 steps 4-5, page 18-2 step 5: 5 hours
Finished riveting the right leading edge to the main spar:
Riveted the ribs to the wing spars:
Began the left tank: clecoed the T-1011 tank stiffeners and
the VA-112 drain flange to the tank skin:
24 NOV 14: Page
18-2 steps 5-6, page 18-3 step 1: 2 hours
Finished final-drilling the stiffeners. Clecoed and final-drilled the T-1003-L,
T-1003C-R, and T-1004-L tank ribs to the tank skin. Fit and match-drilled the T-1009 tank
J-stiffener to the T-1001-L tank skin – no pics.
25 NOV 14: Page
18-3 step 2, page 18-4 step 1: 1.4 hours
Clecoed and final-drilled the T-1005-L tank attach bracket
to the T-1001-L tank skin and T-1003C-R tank inboard nose rib:
Clecoed and final-drilled nutplates to the T-1012 tank
attach Zs. Countersunk the tank attach Zs for the nutplate attach rivets:26 NOV 14: Page 18-4 steps 2-6: 3 hours
Clecoed and final-drilled the T-1003B-R tank inboard rib aft
to the T-1001-L tank skin and T-1005-L attach bracket. Clecoed and final-drilled the T-1002 tank
baffle and T-1012 tank attach Zs to the tank rib aft flanges:
Clecoed and final-drilled the T-1001-L tank skin to the
upper and lower flanges of the T-1002 tank baffle: