22 JUN 14: Page
10-20 step 1: 2 hours
Clecoed together the tailcone. I’ve decided to try to back rivet as much as
24 JUN 14: Page
10-20 step 2: 1 hour
Began riveting the tail cone stiffeners.
25 JUN 14: Page
10-20 step 2: 2 hours
Continued riveting the tailcone. Noticed my back rivet set had a nub in the
middle and was also convex in the center.
I was having fits getting nice shop heads in the tail cone
stiffeners. The faulty back rivet set:
The results:
The replacement:
Much nicer:
26 JUN 14: Page
10-20 step 2: 2 hours
Continued riveting the tail cone – no pics
27 JUN 14: Page
10-20 step 2: 7.75 hours
Continued to rivet the tail cone. Finished up the first side. I was able to back rivet all rivets except
the ones right next to the j-channel (too close to fit the back rivet set). I had to get a little creative to back rivet
the curved part of the skins/bulk heads.
Propped the tail cone at the proper angle:
Centered the back rivet plate:
Manufactured side looks good, too:
This rivet was too close to the j-channel to fit the back
rivet set and a bucking bar:
Right side complete!
I was worried about damage the skins on the curved part of
the aft skin where I had to buck and shoot solo, but I am very happy with the
Finished the left side riveting. Primed the edges that the right side skin
will overlap:
Clecoed the right side skin to the frame:
29 JUN 14: Page
10-20 steps 2-7: 9.5 hours
Had to get creative back riveting the curved pieces with the
second skin on – used the blanket as a counter-weight to balance the tailcone:
Took all day to get all the rivets shot, but at the end of
the day, I didn’t have any clecos in the tailcone!