14 SEP 15: Page 29-18 step 2:
2.25 hours
Began riveting the F-1069 side skins – can’t reach
all the rivets solo – no pics.
15 SEP 15: Page 29-18 step 2, page 29-17 steps 2-3: 3.2 hours
Continued riveting the F-1069 side skins. Riveted the mid-cabin decks to the bulkhead
side channels:
19 SEP 15: Cut SoundEx, built fuse stand, page 30-2 steps 3-7,
30-3 1-6: .75 hours
Started off this morning by building a fuse
stand. When…if….I ever get section 29
completed, I will put it on this stand to get the whole fuse lower to the
ground. It will be much easier to work
on at a lower height:
Even using the patterns was a bit more time consuming than I had first assumed – most tasks are! However, I cannot imagine the time it would have taken to get this pile without the patterns:
Then it was back to the steps. Tight fit to squeeze into the floor to drill the mounting brackets:
Not sure how I would have accomplished this task without an angle drill:
I used the bushing from TCW to hopefully prevent the loose step syndrome in the future. The way the instructions call for inserting the bushings is pretty JV league, so I copied a friend and fellow -10 builder – Mike Jimenez – and tapped the bushing and used a long bolt to insert the bushing into the step tube. Tapping the bushing:
Steps complete except for final attachment. Van’s calls for a -3 bolt, but I drilled for a -4. Don’t have -4s long enough, so waiting for an Aircraft Spruce order (one of the zillion) to arrive. Inside:
20 SEP 15: Page 29-18 step 2:
3 hours
The day I’ve been waiting for forever!! Friend and fellow builder (-14) Mike came
over to FINALLY finish riveting the fuse skins – getting this done and the fuse
on the lower stand is seriously hampering fuse progress. Unfortunately, a few rivet call outs were
too short and I didn’t have any -3s on hand that were long enough – ugggghhhh! Another Aircraft Spruce order! No pics.
21 SEP 15: Reprimed step tubes, page 29-19 8, 31-6 1-2, 31-7 2-4: 7.25 hours
As I said before finishing the skins is seriously
slowing me down. I’m trying to find odds
and ends to fill the gaps until I can finish up the skins. Reprimed the step tubes – probably should
have shot them while inserted. Have a
feeling I’ll be doing this again after final install:
Final installed the vent door assemblies:Moved onto the upper forward fuse. Even though this will not stay on, it’s cool to see the plane this way!
I recently made one of my first big ‘component’ orders of the build – up until this point I have mostly just been plugging away at the airframe. I really need to get serious about all the systems planning – electric, fuel, etc. To that end, I decided on the style and location (except for one) of all the antennae. I’ll have VHF 1 on the bottom, VHF 2 on top, stubby for transponder on wing inspection panel, VOR/GS under rudder on tailcone, and blade for ADSB under baggage floor. Doesn’t look like $1150 laying there:
22 SEP 15: Page 31-7 steps 4-5, page 31-8 steps 1-5: 2.75 hours
Match-drilled the hand-hold doublers and all #40
holes common to the F-1071 forward fuse top skin and sub-structure. Drilled the instrument panel attach flanges to
the panel and top skin. Drilled and
dimpled nutplate holes into the instrument panel attach flanges – no pics.
23 SEP 15: Page 31-8 steps 6-11, 34-2 1-8, fan doublers, step
access panels: 9 hours
Machine countersunk the rivet holes in the hand-hold
doublers. Deburred and dimpled all upper
fuse sub-structure components. Bent and
match-drilled the baggage door frame to the door skins: